Seventh Sea Holidays

how to perform umrah, seventh sea holiday, umrah from sharjah

How to Perform Umrah

Are you planning to embark on a spiritual journey and perform Umrah? 

If you are based in UAE, you’re in luck! UAE offers convenient air travel options for those looking to fulfill their religious obligations through an Umrah package by air. In this article, we will guide you on how to get prepared for the Umrah tour, ensuring that you are ready both physically and mentally for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Research and Choose the Right Umrah Package

The first step in preparing for your Umrah tour is to research and select the right Umrah package. It is essential to choose a package that suits your budget, preferences, and requirements. There are numerous travel agencies in Sharjah offering Umrah packages by air, each with its own set of inclusions and facilities. Consider factors such as accommodation, transportation, food, and proximity to the sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah. Reading reviews, seeking recommendations from trusted sources, and comparing multiple packages will help you make an informed decision.

Research and Choose the Right Umrah Package

The first step in preparing for your Umrah tour is to research and select the right Umrah package. It is essential to choose a package that suits your budget, preferences, and requirements. There are numerous travel agencies in Sharjah offering Umrah packages by air, each with its own set of inclusions and facilities. Consider factors such as accommodation, transportation, food, and proximity to the sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah. Reading reviews, seeking recommendations from trusted sources, and comparing multiple packages will help you make an informed decision.

documents for umrah

Complete Your Documentation

Once you have finalized your Umrah package, it’s time to gather all the necessary documentation. Start by checking your passport’s validity and ensure that it remains valid for at least six months from your intended departure date. Apply for a new passport if needed to avoid any last-minute complications. Alongside your passport, you will also need to obtain a visa for entering Saudi Arabia. The travel agency you choose for your Umrah package can guide you through the visa application process. Make sure to provide all the required documents and photographs promptly to secure your Umrah visa.

Complete Your Documentation

Once you have finalized your Umrah package, it’s time to gather all the necessary documentation. Start by checking your passport’s validity and ensure that it remains valid for at least six months from your intended departure date. Apply for a new passport if needed to avoid any last-minute complications. Alongside your passport, you will also need to obtain a visa for entering Saudi Arabia. The travel agency you choose for your Umrah package can guide you through the visa application process. Make sure to provide all the required documents and photographs promptly to secure your Umrah visa.

documents for umrah
mental and physical health for Umrah

Physical Preparation: Health and Fitness

Performing Umrah requires physical stamina, as it involves extensive walking and standing for prolonged periods. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare yourself physically to make the most of your Umrah journey. Start by consulting your healthcare provider and ensuring that you are in good health. Obtain any necessary vaccinations recommended for travel to Saudi Arabia. Engage in regular physical exercise such as walking or jogging to improve your endurance. It is also advisable to start a balanced diet to boost your overall fitness levels.

Mental Preparation: Spiritual Readiness

Umrah is not just a physical journey but a spiritual one as well. To make the most of this holy pilgrimage, it is essential to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually. Start by increasing your knowledge about the significance and rituals of Umrah by reading books, attending lectures, or watching educational videos. Reflect upon your intentions and the spiritual goals you aim to achieve through this journey. Engage in self-reflection and seek forgiveness for any past wrongdoings. Mentally prepare yourself to disconnect from worldly distractions and focus solely on your devotion to Allah during your Umrah tour.

"Umrah is a sacred voyage of the heart through which we seek closeness to Allah and spiritual rejuvenation."

mental preparation for umrah
mental preparation for umrah

Mental Preparation: Spiritual Readiness

Umrah is not just a physical journey but a spiritual one as well. To make the most of this holy pilgrimage, it is essential to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually. Start by increasing your knowledge about the significance and rituals of Umrah by reading books, attending lectures, or watching educational videos. Reflect upon your intentions and the spiritual goals you aim to achieve through this journey. Engage in self-reflection and seek forgiveness for any past wrongdoings. Mentally prepare yourself to disconnect from worldly distractions and focus solely on your devotion to Allah during your Umrah tour.

"Umrah is a sacred voyage of the heart through which we seek closeness to Allah and spiritual rejuvenation."

umrah packing, things to take on umrah,

Packing Essentials for Your Umrah Tour

Packing appropriately for your Umrah tour is vital to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free experience. Here are some essential items to include in your luggage:

  1. Ihram: The two white pieces of cloth worn by male pilgrims during specific rituals.
  2. Prayer Mat: A portable mat for you to offer your prayers anywhere.
  3. Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, breathable clothing to cope with the varying temperatures during your journey.
  4. Personal Hygiene Products: Carry travel-sized toiletries, including unscented soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and a toothbrush.
  5. Medications: If you take any prescribed medications, ensure you have an adequate supply for the duration of your trip.

In conclusion, preparing for your Umrah tour involves thorough research, completing necessary documentation, physical and mental readiness, and packing essentials to ensure a smooth and fulfilling experience. By following these guidelines and embracing the spiritual significance of Umrah, you can embark on this sacred journey with peace of mind and an open heart.

Pro Tip: Remember to engage in dua (supplication) throughout your Umrah tour, pouring your heart out to Allah and seeking His blessings and forgiveness. May your Umrah journey be a source of immense spiritual growth and a means to attain closeness to the Almighty.

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